- We are always capable of more than we think we are.
- We think we know a lot but we do this to protect ourselves from feeling so little control over all the things we don’t know.
- Living by a set of ethical guidelines reduces suffering exponentially.
- When relating with others, especially during challenging times, it’s effective to imagine what it’s like to be that person (accompanied by the understanding that we’ll never really know what it’s like to be someone else).
- Mick Jagger was right. You can’t always get what you want but you get what you need.
- It’s easy to get lost in thinking about things that don’t matter very much.
- Making the world a better place is a game worth playing while we are here.
- To bring your full attention to life, get yourself uncomfortable.
- In the end no one much cares what you really do. You are the one that has to live with your choices.
- There is always a reason to smile.
- Parenting is the high stakes challenge of constantly being present, over and over and over again.
- Linking the movement of the body with the mind and the breath creates clarity and calm.
- Special people come into our lives that are catalysts in our growth. When someone comes along and rocks our world, this is a great gift. Pay attention and remain open.
- Memory is selective. Our relationship with the past is a story we tell ourselves based on beliefs we have about life and who we think we are.
- The most powerful and transforming moments in life are often those that come unplanned. Courage is required to resist the temptation to control things.
- We have a temper and mastery in the ability to not lose it. There are people who come into our lives to test our progress.
- Doing something that tests what you believe you are capable of on a regular basis is a good idea.
- Being open to the adventure makes the ride a great deal more exciting.
- Trying to change someone else won’t work.
- The mind is mostly a rabid hamster that repeats thoughts that originated from stories from the past and then forgets that that is what it’s doing.
- Time practicing being present every day is essential to remembering that we are largely, not our thoughts.
- Pay attention to how you breathe and you will learn more about how you feel.
- Forgiveness is necessary, especially of our parents.
- “Question Authority” and “Defy Authority” are not the same thing.
- The most valuable things in life are those things that we can’t see. Like peace. And love.
- You will feel happier and healthier when you do things that make other people happy often.
- Roll with it. There is an opportunity in everything.
- Belief is highly over rated. Find out for yourself.
- “Trust your gut” and “listen to your heart” are overused but useful phrases. Our body knows.
- The definition of beauty should evolve as we get older in order to reduce suffering.
- Although generally letting go is often not very fun, there is great power in it.
- We are each a tiny eco-system. We are stewards of our own health and happiness and we each must learn about the mental, physical, and emotional climate we each need to thrive.
- Think, speak and act as though your mother or God were watching.
- One’s “truth” is best delivered with compassion.
- Giving yourself fully to everything you do makes you feel good.
- Remembering on a very regular basis that we are going to die keeps our priorities straight.
- There is always a reason to be thankful.
- The gifts that we were given were meant to be given away.